Red Hat Certificate of Expertise in Camel Development exam

Код: EX421

Продолжительность очно: 1 дн.

Формат обучения: очно

О курсе

The Red Hat Certified Specialist in Camel Development exam (EX421) tests your abilities to create and maintain enterprise integration services using Camel with Red Hat® Fuse.

This exam is based on Red Hat Fuse 7.0.

Оригинальное описание экзамена на сайте Red Hat

Для кого этот курс

  • Enterprise Java developers who are familiar with service-oriented architecture (SOA) principles and are responsible for integrating enterprise applications
  • Enterprise SOA architects with some Java development experience and knowledge of enterprise integration

Требуемые знания и навыки

  • Have taken the Camel Integration and Development with Red Hat Fuse (AD421) course or have equivalent work experience in enterprise integration using Apache Camel
  • Have some familiarity working in a Red Hat® Enterprise Linux® environment
  • Review the Red Hat Certified Specialist in Camel Development exam (EX421) objectives

Пройдите бесплатное тестирование Skills Assessment, чтобы определить уровень вашей подготовки.

Приобретаемые навыки

By passing this exam, you become a Red Hat Certified Specialist in Camel Development, which also counts toward becoming a Red Hat Certified Architect (RHCA®)


  1. Create and maintain Camel routes
  2. Exchange messages
  3. Consume and produce files
  4. Work with databases and the Camel JPA component
  5. Understand transactional routes
  6. Use EIPs
  7. Use Camel components
  8. Use Camel Test
  9. Dynamically route messages
  10. Handle exceptions


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