Installing and Maintaining Hitachi Compute Blades 500 and 2500

Код: THI2028

Продолжительность очно: 5 дн.

Продолжительность VILT: 5 дн.

Формат обучения: очно, Virtual Instructor-Led Training - VILT

Цена: $3,200 - Partners

О курсе

This 5 day instructor-led course provides an overview of the architecture, key components, and product documentation of Hitachi Compute Blade 500 (CB 500) and Hitachi Compute Blade 2500 (CB 2500). The course provides step-by-step procedures for successfully installing, configuring and managing the CB 500 and CB 2500. The course also includes troubleshooting, key maintenance tools and procedures.

Additionally the course covers the Hitachi Command Suite integrated management application and implementation of Hitachi logical partitioning (LPAR) and N+M Cold Standby Plug-in for Hitachi Compute Systems Manager (HCSM).

The course offers lab activities designed to familiarize you with installation, configuration, and maintenance procedures.

This course prepares you for the Hitachi Data Systems Qualified Professional – Compute Platform installation accreditation test (HAT- 430).

Для кого этот курс

Course Availability

  • Employees
  • Partners

Suggested Audience

  • Install and Support
  • Implement and Integrate

Требуемые знания и навыки

Required Knowledge and Skills

  • Server and blade server expertise
  • Microsoft® Windows® , or Redhat Linux or VMware administrative experience
  • Network and Fibre Channel experience 

Приобретаемые навыки

Upon completion of this course, you should be able to:

  • Describe components and architecture of Hitachi Compute Blade 500 (CB 500) and Hitachi Compute Blade 2500 (CB 2500)
  • Identify where to locate CB 500 and CB 2500 documentation
  • Describe CB 500 and CB 2500 system installation and initial configuration
  • Explain the GUI and CLI interfaces of Management Module
  • Identify when and how to use the GUI and CLI
  • Describe the supporting management software products for CB 500 and CB 2500
  • Configure Hi-Track monitor agent
  • Decipher Hi-Track messages
  • Describe different types of switches, and GUI and CLI interfaces of switches
  • Identify switch logs and when and how to access logs
  • Configure Hitachi Compute Blade add-on cards
  • Identify management module and blade configuration data and configure data backup
  • Upgrade firmware components in management module and Hitachi Compute Blade
  • Describe available log and dump files for management module and switches
  • Access log and dump files for management module and switches
  • Manage the Hitachi Compute Blade chassis using Hitachi Compute Systems Manager (HCSM)
  • Explain logical partitioning (LPAR) feature and implementation
  • Describe the N+M cold standby configuration and operation using HCSM  Identify LPAR licenses and HCSM plug-in licenses
  • Describe problem escalation and tracking


Content Modules

  1. Introduction
  2. Overview
  3. Components
  4. Installation and Diagnostic
  5. Configuration With Web Console and Text Console
  6. Switches and Add-on Cards
  7. Maintenance and Monitoring
  8. Configuration Using Hitachi Compute Systems Manager
  9. Hitachi Logical Partitioning (LPAR) Configuration and Operation
  10. Hitachi Compute Blade N+M Cold Standby Configuration and Operation 

Learning Activities — Labs

  1. Component Identification
  2. Cabling and Power Redundancy Setting
  3. Diagnostic With Blade Sever Test Program
  4. Initial Settings
  5. Hitachi Compute Blade Power Management
  6. Basic Configuration of Switches and Access Log Files
  7. Basic Configuration of Add-on Cards
  8. Configuration Backup and MARLog Collection (GUI and CLI)
  9. Hitachi Compute Blade Firmware Update
  10. Hardware Replacement Using Maintenance Documentation Library
  11. Hitachi Compute Systems Manager Installation and Configuration
  12. LPAR Management Using Web Console, CLI, and Hitachi Compute Systems Manager (HCSM)
  13. N+M Configuration Using HCSM and Test N+M Configuration
Обучение и сертификация в различных областях информационных технологий по продукции и технологиям мировых лидеров ИТ-рынка
Невский пр, дом 173, литер А
+7 (812) 611-15-75