Introduction to Hitachi Content Intelligence

Код: TSI3440

Продолжительность очно: 1 дн.

Продолжительность VILT: 1 дн.

Формат обучения: очно, Virtual Instructor-Led Training - VILT

Цена: $640 - Partners

О курсе

This 1 day instructor-led course provides a high level overview of Hitachi Content Intelligence concepts, architecture and features. You will also be introduced to Hitachi Content Monitor which is a Content Intelligence-based application that monitors Hitachi Content Platform performance in near real time.

After reviewing critical concepts and features, you will get hands-on practice exploring the Hitachi Content Intelligence management console and creating Workflows.

Для кого этот курс

  • Employees
  • Customers
  • Partners

Требуемые знания и навыки

  • Basic knowledge of the Hitachi Content Portfolio is helpful
  • Basic knowledge of data and data management

Приобретаемые навыки

Upon completion of this course, you should be able to:

  • Explain Hitachi Content Intelligence functionality and concepts
  • Describe common use cases
  • Describe the steps to create a Content Intelligence Workflow
  • Define key terms of Hitachi Content Intelligence
    • Documents
    • Workflows
    • Data Connections
    • Pipelines
    • Indexes
    • Hitachi Content Search Console
  • Describe Content Intelligence infrastructure, system requirements and architecture
  • Describe the features of Hitachi Content Monitor 


Content Modules

  • Hitachi Content Intelligence Overview
  • Hitachi Content Intelligence Concepts
  • Architecture
  • Hitachi Content Monitor

Active Learning Activities

  • Group Discussion
  • Use Case Review
  • When You Run a Task
Обучение и сертификация в различных областях информационных технологий по продукции и технологиям мировых лидеров ИТ-рынка
Невский пр, дом 173, литер А
+7 (812) 611-15-75