Managing Remote Replication

Код: TXI6753

Продолжительность очно: 3 дн.

Продолжительность VILT: 3 дн.

Формат обучения: очно, Virtual Instructor-Led Training - VILT

Цена: 1,920$ - Partners
2,700$ - Customers

О курсе

This course provides information on in-depth specifications, operations, and troubleshooting of Hitachi TrueCopy Heterogeneous Remote Replication.

The emphasis of this course is placed on managing replications with Command Control Interface (CCI) software. Additional material covers Hitachi Global Active Device, Hitachi Universal Replicator, Hitachi Replication Manager and Hitachi Ops Center Protector features.

The classroom sessions are supported by lab exercises.

Для кого этот курс

  • Install and Support

Требуемые знания и навыки

A working knowledge of CCI software

Приобретаемые навыки

  • Describe the key features and operations of Hitachi TrueCopy Remote Replication bundle
  • Configure and operate a TrueCopy replication using Storage Navigator
  • Use CCI for TrueCopy pair operations
  • Use RAIDCOM configuration setting commands to make changes to replication configurations
  • Describe Global-Active Device
  • Describe various Three Data Center (3DC) configurations
  • Describe Hitachi Replication Manager (HRpM) interface and operations


Content Modules

  1. Hitachi TrueCopy Internals and Storage Navigator Operations
  2. Hitachi TrueCopy Configuration and System Performance
  3. Hitachi Universal Replicator (HUR) Overview
  4. Hitachi Global-Active Device Overview
  5. Hitachi Replication Manager (HRpM) Overview
  6. Command Control Interface (CCI) Software Overview
  7. Replication Operations With Command Control Interface (CCI) Software


  • Lab 1: TrueCopy Configuration and Operations
  • Lab 2: RAIDCOM Configuration Setting Operations (Optional)
  • Lab 3: Hitachi Replication Manager Operations (Optional)
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Невский пр, дом 173, литер А
+7 (812) 611-15-75